Otago Girls' High School


Significant Changes for 2025

1.  Increasing Team Size:  Each team excluding (Senior A, B, Y10A, Y9A) will consist of 12 players instead of 10.  This can help ensure there's more depth and flexibility in terms of player rotation, sickness and injury cover.

2.  Attendance and Commitment:  Players who have a history of inconsistent attendance at training sessions or games may be given less consideration for selection in the future.  This emphasizes the importance of reliability and commitment to the team.


Notice to Parents/Caregivers of OGHS Netball Players

We are excited to have students interested in playing Netball for OGHS this season


All Senior Trials - Sunday 9th March10am-12pm - OGHS Gym

If you are going to have your own Social Team you are not required to attend trials - please see guidelines for Social Teams in this newsletter.

Y9 - Saturday March 30th 2025 - 10am-12pm - OGHS Gym & Green Courts behind the Gym

Y10 - Saturday March 30th 2025 - 1pm - 3pm - OGHS Gym & Green Courts behind the Gym



Premier Senior A only competition starts Saturday - 29th March - 23rd August 2025

All other grades start Saturday - 10th May - 23rd August 2025 

Last games for the Premier & Secondary School season are Saturday 23rd August 2025, please note that all teams may not be playing finals day.

Senior Social Teams:

Y9 - Y13 are able to enter social teams.  The requirements for social teams are:

  • A team of 12 players (teams must meet with Sports Coordinator/TIC Netball before they are entered).  If you do not have 12 players you will not be entered into the competition.

  • An ADULT manager who is available to be with the team every playing Saturday (needed to take the electronic score)

  • Be aware of All Dunedin Netball Centre rules and regulations, these can be found on the Dunedin Netball Centre website, competitions@dunedinnetball.co.nz.

Fees and Registration Forms

Sports registration and fees need to be finalised before uniforms are issued.

Fees are $100.00 per person (2 sisters $160.00, 3 sisters $200.00) this is inclusive of $15.00 for the hire of the uniform.  

Senior A fees are $280.00 per person.

School Bank Account Number:  12-3485-0014040-50. Please make sure that you include your daughter's name and sport.

If you anticipate any problems with these payments please do not hesitate to contact the school of the TIC of Netball, Ms Hokianga.  


For all students who sustain an injury that prevents them from training or playing we would appreciate written advice from your Doctor/Physiotherapist for the best course of action.  Students are expected to still attend training and games to support their team if they are physically able.


For safety reasons students cannot trial, attend training or play games on Saturday’s unless they are in the correct uniform.  Therefore casual shoes, socks, school shoes, bare feet are not permitted.  Hair must be tied back and no jewellery is to be worn.  Navy polyprops can be worn under the netball dress, bike shorts are not expected to show below the uniform.  All players are provided with the OGHS Netball dress.  Uniforms are issued from the Sports Department. 

Umpiring Duties

All teams may find that they will have umpiring duties either before or after their Saturday games.  OGHS will endeavor to hold umpiring sessions for all teams. Your coaches will make up a roster for umpiring duties, if you are unable to make your scheduled umpiring duty then it is your responsibility to contact your team members to swap duty.  Failure to turn up to duty incurrs the following penalties from the Dunedin Netball Centre:

     50. Failure to Provide [Regulation 19e and 20] – Subject to the discretion of the Board, the penalty is:

     a. For the first offence in the current season the team shall be issued with a written warning.

     b. For the second offence in the current season the team shall play with six players only for the first quarter of their next game.

     c. For the third offence in the current season the team shall pay a $50 fine plus the team shall play with six players only for the first two quarters of their next       game.

     d. For the fourth and subsequent offence in the current season the team shall pay a $100 fine plus the team shall play with six players only for the whole next    game plus a loss of 2 competition points for the team and in addition, the Board shall have the discretion to remove the team from the Local Competition for the remainder of the season with no refund on levies or other fees paid, or apply such other penalty as the Board considers appropriate in all the circumstances. The Board shall have the right to readmit the team if a satisfactory commitment can be provided, however any fines outstanding by that team must first be paid.


Senior A, Senior B, Y10A, Y9A attend the Otago Secondary Schools Tournament - Sunday 8th June and Monday 9th June 2025

Y9A & Y10A attend the South Island Secondary School Junior Tournament held in Christchurch - Monday 30th June - Thursday 3rd July 2025 (travel day Sunday 29th June)

Y9 & Y10A exchange with Waitaki Girls High School - Tuesday 9th September 2025.

Senior A team only - triangular tournament between Waitaki Girls, Southland Girls and Otago Girls High Schools held at OGHS - Wednesday 13th August 2025.

South Island Secondary Schools Senior A Tournament - Monday 25th August - Thursday 28th August 2025- Venue Dunedin

Additional Information from the Dunedin Netball Centre:

Player Development Opportunities in 2025:
This year, Year 9 and 10 players will be involved in development days and tournaments rather than U14 representatives. Dunedin Netball believe it is valuable to give more opportunities for players to experience tournaments as well as still encourage the competitive traits of players and encourage growth and development of all players in this age group. The rationale in this, alongside NNZ’s review, is to keep more players in our great sport for longer.


All Key information and dates can also be found on the Dunedin Netball website.

Teacher in Charge

Ms C Hokianga 

Student Coordinators

Teuila Tasi-Cordtz & Georgina Te Kanawa




Good luck and best wishes for the coming season


Photo gallery