Otago Girls' High School

Rugby 15's

All players need to complete the NZ rugby Registration form - The link to this form can be found on the rugby google classroom. If you have not been added to the classroom, let Mr Trickey know so you can be added.

Fees: $60 (These must be paid before the end of Term 1

Payments for registration can be done

  • online here when completing the Registration form,
  • online via bank transfer using account number 12 3485 0014040 50 and putting Name and Sport as reference, or,
  • by paying at the office.

Uniform/Equipment needed: Rugby boots, mouth guard, School socks ($15 paid to school office, take receipt to gym and collect socks), Navy Shorts, school jersey provided

Games: Wednesdays after school at Logan Park or University Oval
Competition Dates: To be advised


Training Days: Mondays
Training Venue: Kensington Oval 
Training Time: 3:30-5:30pm 


Strength and Conditioning Training - OGHS gym

Monday & Friday mornings 7:30-8:30am 


School Competition Start date: Term 2 date to be advised


Pre-season Game: to be advised


If you would like to volunteer as a Coach, Referee, Manager or Assistant Manager, please contact the teacher in charge. We are always looking for more volunteers.

All non-student coaches/managers must complete a compulsory police vetting form and supply a copy of either a driver's licence or passport. 


Additional Information