Otago Girls' High School

Ice Hockey


Ice hockey starts on 7th May (Term 2 Week 2).
There are three LEARN TO PLAY days (8, 15, 22 May), then there are eleven games (29 May - 21 August). It is always on Wednesdays with sessions running 5:00-6:00, 6:00-7:00, and 7:00-8:00. The time will change each week.





Ice stadium entry & team fee (combined)

14 sessions (3 x training, 11 x games)

$    210.00

Sports Council (compulsory)

$10 (compulsory)

$      10.00 



$    220.00


Notes for fees

*****This price depends on how many players we will have. The cost will be confirmed when we know numbers. The above cost is based on 11 players. If there are more players, then the fee will be reduced. We can give refunds if this is the case. It also includes gear hire if you require gear.

I know it may be a lot of money but once this is paid you don’t need any more money.  

The school policy is that the fees be paid prior to the sport commencing. If you want to set up a payment plan for ice hockey, you need to tell me and Mrs Spalding in the office. It needs to be specifically for ice hockey and we need to know the amount each payment.

Neck guards are now compulsory and each player needs to provide their own. They can be purchased through the shop at the ice stadium, or online at https://centreice.co.nz/?s=neck+guard.

If you have any questions please ask me, or any girls or me who played last year. bm@otagogirls.school.nz 

Sports registration and contracts must be completed, and are available on the sports page.
Please join the ice hockey google classroom (code: rwg6rpb).

I hope we will have another exciting year of ice hockey.  See you at the ice stadium!

If you would like to Volunteer as a Coach, Manager or Assistant Manager please contact the teacher in charge. We are always looking for more volunteers and rely on their support.
All non-student coaches/managers must complete a compulsory police vetting form and supply a copy of either a drivers licence or passport.