Otago Girls' High School

Touch Rugby




Touch Term 4 2024


Competition Dates - Term 4

All games start Tuesday 22nd October 2024 - 26th November 2024 - Due to Celebratiuon Service being held on Tuesday 22nd October all OGHS teams will start the following Tuesday, 29th October 2024.

Fees:  $30.00 term 4 - Y9 & 10

$20.00 term 4 - all Seniors

Payments for registration can be done:

  • online here when completing the Registration form,
  • online via bank transfer using account number 12 3485 0014040 50 and putting Name and Sport as reference, or,
  • by paying at the office.

If you are wanting to play touch Term4 2024 please attend meeting in the school hall at interval on Wednesday 11th September 2024


Please make sure that you complete the touch registration form which can be found at the top of the page in the right hand corner


Social teams - you are required to have 10 team members and an adult manager, who is required to be at every game, handed into Ms Hokianga before Wednesday 25th September 2024 .


If any students are interested in refereeing on Tuesday evening please make contact with Mikayla (0272229483), referees will be paid $7.50 per game.