Otago Girls' High School


Events - 2025

  • Kickstart Novice and Kickstart Advanced Events (dates TBC)

  • FISAF Pacific Open (8-9 June, Lower Hutt)

  • Otago Regional Competition (2-3 August, Dunedin)

  • National Competition (13-14 September, Christchurch)


Any students wishing to take part in Aerobics need to complete the registration form for Aerobics at OGHS (whether training through school or club). 

Any new students to Aerobics will need to attend auditions at the beginning of the school year, which will be advertised in the school notices. Not all students will be accepted, though those that aren’t ready to compete will be placed in the Development Squad.


The fee for Aerobics is $30. This includes the sports council levy and covers you for Blues etc. Registration fees for competitions will be additional, and will vary depending on categories/number of registrations. 


Training will be determined with your coaches, and will be 1-2 times per week. Those training outside of school may also be able to book spaces, but preference goes to students competing through school.


All senior students competing in Aerobics are expected to coach. If you have any questions/requests around this, you should contact Ms Hayward. 

If you are using a coach outside of school/training through a club, you will need to let Ms Hayward know. Your coach will need to sign the ‘Outside Coaches Contract’ and may need to complete a police vet. 

NZCAF competitions are run by volunteers. Please know that your parents/you may be asked to help out at Regional and/or National competitions. 

Start Date: 

Aerobics starts in early Term 1 and continues until the final competition of the year, Nationals, in September. 


For the competitions, you will need your own leotard, shoes and tights. The school has some that you can hire for a small fee, but these are on a first come, first served basis. Ask Ms Hayward early as we can run out. 

You will also need to wear the OGHS Aerobics Hoodie for all competitions. These are available for purchase or hire.