Otago Girls' High School

Rock Climbing

Rock Climbing Club 2024


Ongoing communication, including updates on trips, weather cancellations, and other notices will all be done through the Google Classroom. Use the invite link or join using the code (b44z4xv).

Spring Climbing Club - Term 3/4

Updated for 2024

After school climbing on our school wall will resume on Mondays starting Sept 9th (week 8) and run until Nov 18 (week 6) from 3:15 - 4:45pm.  We may head to Port Chalmers once or twice after school depending on interest and weather, but no other weekend trips are planned for this session.

No experience required - The Term 3/4 session is a great way for new climbers to try out climbing in a relaxed and fun environment. You will be taught all the skills necessary to be a safe member of a rope team.

Experienced climbers can still work on advancing their technical skills through route setting, leading, and other ground based gear skills - or just get a mental break after exams. 

Cost for Climbing Club Term 3/4 is $40. 

Please register by filling out the Registration Form under RESOURCES.


Climbing Club Activities Included in membership for Term 1 and 2

Membership cost for Term 1&2: $100

Click on each heading for more information

Use the Registration form under "Resources" to sign up for everything -->    -->    -->    -->

After school climbing: (Now updated for 2024)

- Dates: Feb 12th (week 3) until May 30th (week 5).

- Select either Monday or Thursday

- Most weeks will be from 3:15 - 4:45 on our home wall

- There will be several dates where we go to Port Chalmers to climb on real rock instead of climbing at school. We will be back at school by 6:00 on these days. More information and dates coming soon.


Bivouac Outdoor Gear Night: (LINK to full details coming soon)

Join us at Bivouac Outdoor for an evening of discounts and prizes on Thursday April 6th at 5:00pm. More details coming soon. In-store discount will only be for active members of the OGHS climbing club.


Bouldering at Resistance Climbing Gym (LINK to full details coming soon)

Once in Term 1 and again in Term 2, we will head down to Resistance for a bouldering session. This will help introduce new and experienced climbers to indoor bouldering. This will also serve as training for the National Indoor Bouldering Series (NIBS) competitions that run from May - August.

Dates and times TBD


Additional Climbing Trips and Courses Term 1 and 2

All of these trips have an additional cost - local trips may be discounted for Climbing Club members. Some trips have prerequisites. Costs for away trips are estimates and will be finalised once trip logistics are booked.

Click on each heading for full details


Lead Climbing Course

Dates: Feb 24-25 (back up dates, March 2-3)

Cost: $240

Overview: Two days of instruction and practice on lead climbing, belaying, building and cleaning anchors, and gear. The aim is to develop skills required for safe outdoor climbing with friends and family. You may be approved to lead/belay on the school wall. Day 1 will be at Port Chalmers Quarry, Day 2 will be at Long Beach.

Prerequisites: must be an experienced climber with at least one year of climbing club experience or similar. It is recommended that you have done some mock leading on the school wall and have climbed on real rock several times.


Wanaka Trip (Now updated for 2024)

Dates: March 8-10 (backup dates, March 22-24)

Cost: $330

Overview: Spend a weekend of guided climbing in Wanaka - some of the best climbing in the country.

Prerequisites: must be an experienced climber with at least one year of climbing club experience or similar, including climbing on real rock.


Port Chalmers Quarry (Now updated for 2024)

Dates: March 25th (Otago Anniversary Day)

Cost: $10 for members; $20 for non-members

Overview: Port Chalmers is a great place to learn to climb on real rock.


Long Beach (Now updated for 2024)

Dates: April 6 and/or May 11th (can sign up for one or both)

Cost for each date: $30 for members; $40 for non-members

Overview: Celebrate the end of climbing season and put your skills to the test by spending a day (or two) climbing at the beach. Arguably Dunedin’s best climbing spot with a wide range of climbs to be set up. Something for everyone, from beginners to seasoned experts.


Christchurch - Port Hills

Dates: May 3-5

Cost: $250

Overview: Our last away trip for the season. There is a huge amount of easily accessible climbing in the Port Hills of Christchurch. Local guides will spend two days showing us the best spots.


Climbing Club Term 3/4 Activities

After school climbing on our school wall will resume on Mondays starting Sept 16th and run until Nov 18. There are no weekend trips planned for this session. We may head to Port Chalmers once or twice after school.

The Term 3/4 session is less focused on outdoor climbing skills and is a great way for new climbers to try it out.


Cost for Climbing Club Term 3/4 is estimated to be $30 but may change. Registration will open later in the year.



Details to be announced later in 2024 - Watch for notices on Google Classroom

- NIBS Bouldering Series - Dates and venues on the NIBS website. There is not a local event this year so you will need to travel and compete indepedently. Please report any outstanding results to the TIC climbing and/or sports coordinator.

- South Island Secondary Schools Competition - Sept 5-6 at the Kind Foundation Adventure Centre in Christchurch

     Teams are comprised of four climbers.  Senior A and Junior A teams will travel together and compete.


Sports awards (including Blues) are to recognise those who have shown dedication and commitment to the OGHS climbing community through service, coaching, and/or competing at a high level on a school sponsored 'A' team.  

Students who compete independently or as part of a club team are generally not eligible for school Blues. 


Other Notes

Bouldering Club

New in 2024!!!

If you are interested in bouldering at Resistance Climbing Gym every Friday after school, check out the Bouldering Club website.



We will provide all equipment including shoes, harness, helmets, and belay device. If you want to bring your own personal gear, you are welcome to. If you want more information on buying your own equipment - especially shoes - talk to your student leaders and instructors and come to the Bivouac Gear Night.

Note on climbing shoes:

If you have been climbing for a little while and think you will continue to climb, it is highly recommended that you get your own shoes. When buying shoes, talk to a professional to get them fit properly - they should be slightly uncomfortably tight and should be worn with bare feet. Talk to your instructor or qualified staff at Bivouac or Resistance if you want to know more.



To register for Climbing Club or any trips or courses in Term 1 and 2, fill out the Google Form in the Resources section at the top of this page.

The form can be filled out more than once if you want to register for a trip later in the year.

Space on all trips is limited and will be first-in, first-served.


Registration for competition and Term 3/4 Climbing now open.


Bouldering Club registration is available on the Bouldering Club website


Permission Forms

  • OGHS Climbing Consent Form Everyone needs to fill out this one (only once during the year).
  • Dunedin Adventures Risk Agreement needs to be filled out for anyone doing a trip to Long Beach, Wanaka, or the Lead Climbing course (only needed once per year).
  • OGHS Climbing Consent Form for Away Trips will need to be filled out if you are going to Wanaka and/or Christchurch (two copies if you are doing both)
  • A YMCA risk agreement will need to be signed for the Christchurch trip (not yet available)
  • It is recommended that you fill out an online agreement from Resistance Climbing Gym before the climbing club bouldering session, if you have never been there before.



Any climbing activity may be postponed, cancelled, or cut short due to weather conditions, illness or unavailability of an instructor, lack of participants, holidays and teacher only days, or other unforeseen events. There will be no partial refunds for after school climbing activities that are cancelled. Individual trips may be refunded at the discretion of the Teacher in Charge.