Otago Girls' High School




All students must complete the Registration Form - on the right of this page.


$85 per person

Payments for registration can be done

  • online here when completing the Registration form,
  • online via bank transfer using account number 12 3485 0014040 50 and putting Name and Sport as reference, or,
  • by paying at the office.


Trials are on Tuesday 18 March, 3.30 - 5.00 pm at Mornington Park. A second date will be announced too. In 2024 we have three teams. There are no trials for the 2nd and 3rd XI's, but you are required to come to the trial for a warm up, then split off and have a kick around with Mr Otley. The neat thing about school football, as that all year levels are combined.



If you would like to Volunteer as a Coach, Manager or Assistant Manager please contact the teacher in charge. We are always looking for more volunteers and rely on their support.
All non-student coaches/managers must complete a compulsory police vetting form and supply a copy of either a drivers licence or passport.

Start date
Games start on the first week of Term Two and most of Term Three.

Competition venue and playing times
Thursdays, 4.15pm to 5.15pm. Games are 30 minutes halves with five rolling substitutes.

Tuesdays 3:45pm tp 5:00pm

Outdoor football boots, shin pads, OGHS socks. We provide shorts and shirt.

Additional Information

Fees must be paid by the first competition game. An extended First XI squad is usually named for the first few weeks before a final team is named, after which there may be some shuffling of teams. 

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